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Tue Feb 26th 2013 17:30
By: bent
Så sker det på Lørdag d. 2. marts kl. 19 starter vores sidste koncert med DIE, med venne bands! Så i den anledning vil vi gøre lidt for dem der møder op! I form af: Gratis grav-fadøl fra kl. 19-20 Gratis t-shirts til de første 10 i døren! Og der vil være lidt konkurrencer i løbt af aftenen hvor man kan vinde merch og cd'er! og ikke nok med det! Vil der også være BILLIGT merch til salg!
Så vi håber at se så mange som muligt dukke op, til DIE's Død!
Horns fra en lille sprække i kisten!
Ses i helvede!
Thu Jan 10th 2013 22:06
By: bent
The Death of DIE
Efter længere tids dødvande har DIE besluttet at lægge ligkister og torturinstrumenter på hylden. Arbejdet med at skrive opfølgeren til 'Rise of the Rotten' var begyndt at trække i langdrag og da motivationen var dalende var gravlægningen af bandet uundgåelig. Vi skilles som venner, og arrangerer derfor i samarbejde med Death Rides a Horse og Mono, en afskedskoncert i Monorama, Aarhus, d. 2. marts kl. 18 så vi kan afrunde bandets karriere i fællesskab på scenen. Til koncerten kommer Abscission, Disintegrated og 13 Devils og hjælper os med at markere aftenen og spille op til en seriøs omgang dødedans. Vi vil gerne takke alle samarbejdspartnere, vi har haft igennem de sidste 7 år, de bands vi har delt scenerne med, samt alle der har støttet os og givet den gas på dansegulvene rundt omkring i landet. Det er uvist om vi nogensinde kommer til at arbejde videre på opfølgeren til 'Rise of the Rotten', eller om vi i det hele taget kommer til at spille sammen igen; Men der skulle være rig lejlighed til at høre os i forskellige andre musiske sammenhænge da de fleste af os fortsat vil være aktive metalmusikere.

The Death of DIE
After a longer period of inactivity in DIE we have decided to put coffins and torture instruments to rest. The writing of the follow up to 'Rise of the Rotten' was starting to drag on and since the motivation was dwindling the burying of DIE was inevitable. We part as friends, and therefore a farewell concert has been organized in cooperation with Death Rides a Horse and Mono, in Monorama, Aarhus March 2nd 6 p.m., to round off the band's career together on stage. The concert will also be featuring Abscission, Disintegrated and 13 Devils who will help us mark the occasion and accompany a final dance macabre. The band would like to thank everyone whom we have worked with over the last 7 years, the bands we have shared the stages with, and all who have supported us and rocked out on the dance floors along the road. It is uncertain whether we will ever continue the work on the follow up to 'Rise of the Rotten' or if we will ever play together again, but there should be great opportunity to hear us in various other musical contexts as most of us will remain active metal musicians.
Thu May 24th 2012 9:30
By: bent
For the first time in almost 4 years we are ready to play a brand new track. Prepare to be blown away at our gig tonight at V58!
Tue Apr 10th 2012 13:41
By: bent
A new gig has been added. This time it's at V58 in Aarhus, May 24th. We will be playing with Begging for Incest (DE) and Castrensis (DK). See you there \m/
Tue Feb 28th 2012 12:33
By: bent
Two new gigs added: Fri Jun 1st in Vejle, DK and Sat Jul 14th in Fredericia, DK, Metal Magic Festival 2012.
Tue Jan 17th 2012 22:04
By: bent
We wish to thank everybody who showed up and supported us at Mono Goes Metal 7 this past week-end in Aarhus.
We have uploaded three videos from the show.
They can be viewed here: Soul Scavenger, Mors et Sanguis and Life Eraser
Sun Nov 20th 2011 15:57
By: bent
We have uploaded two drumcam videos fra our show at Loppen.
They can be viewet here: Vindictive and Gore Monger
Mon Aug 15th 2011 12:03
By: bent
A review at was added in the discography section.
Tue Jul 19th 2011 9:21
By: bent
DIE is currently working on their second album which has yet to be named. They are planning on entering the studio in the fall of 2011 and are aiming for a spring/summer 2012 release. Just as their last effort 'Rise of the Rotten' the album will be released by legendary brutal death metal label Unique Leader Records. The band will be handling all recording themselves and a producer is yet to be decided upon.
As recordings begin a video diary will be filmed so stay tuned for more brutality.
Tue May 24th 2011 8:56
By: bent
Earlier this month, Rise Of The Rotten was reviewed at Dose of Metal with a favorable 4,5 skull rating. Check out the review here.
Now they also feature an entertaining interview with Søren.
Fri May 13th 2011 13:04
By: bent
Listen to DIE on the SICK ROOM RADIO!!!!
Tue Mar 22nd 2011 20:58
By: bent
If you live in the Aarhus area, tune into 98,7 fm, to listen to 'Den Tunge Time' who will bring a live interview with Bent and Jonas at 9 pm. If you don't live in the area you can go to their website for a live stream.
Wed Jan 19th 2011 13:35
By: bent
We are glad to inform everyone that another track "Dread Lord" from our debut "Rise of the rotten", has now been put up on our website and myspace page. The album was released in March 2010 by Unique Leader Records. We hope those of you who haven't heard the full cd yet, will dig this song! Hear it in the discography section or on our myspace page.
The song was recently featured on the Fear Candy 87 CD from the great Terrorizer Magazine #203 November issue as well as on their online radio show. Check it out here.
And also, Supreme Brutality took the time to interview Rasmus Henriksen, and did a review of the album! Interview Review
The record was on January 2nd reviewed on the Danish national radio show "Sort Søndag". The reviewer gave the record 6/6, which was the first time in the radio shows history. The show can be heard here.
We will very soon have a new T-shirt for you DIE-hard fans, so keep a look out for the merch too!
Brutality is here...
Thu Nov 11th 2010 13:16
By: jonas
If you haven't already done so, you can hear the track 'Dread Lord' from Rise of the Rotten on the Terrorizer radio show. It can be heard here.
Fri Oct 22nd 2010 9:20
By: bent
The concerts with Abysmal Torment, Insision and Coprus Mortale are CANCELLED! This means that we will not play the gigs in Copenhagen and Århus on October 2nd and 3rd as previously announced.
Sun Oct 17th 2010 13:11
By: tajs
DIE will join forces with the MuSick Assault tour to play with such international bands as Abysmal Torment (MT), Insision (SE) and Corpus Mortale (DK). Second gig will be in Monorama, Århus the 3. of November. Entrance will be free and the beer will be cheap. No excuse for not drinking a few beers and banging your head to some quality death metal! Location for the Copenhagen gig the 2. of November tba.
Musick Assault Tour flyer]
Tue Aug 17th 2010 10:38
By: bent
A pro-shot video from our gig at the Day of Decay festival Aug. 14th 2010 has been added in the media section.
Fri Jul 9th 2010 16:41
By: bent
Added a couple of reviews in the discography section. This time in four different languages: French (Le Chant du Grillon), English (Metal Psalter), Italian (Metal Italia) and German (Metal
Wed May 5th 2010 11:04
By: bent
We have added a bunch of reviews of 'Rise of the Rotten' album.
Check them out in the discography section.
Tue Apr 27th 2010 21:34
By: bent
We have been brewing a new webdesign to match the newly released 'Rise of the Rotten'. It has once again been made by our talented designer Lars Jensen, who also did the cover layout. All graphics on the site, except our logo, has been made by Tony Sandoval.
We also uploaded a new video resume from our concert at Royal Metal Fest. Check it out in our media section.
Wed Apr 21st 2010 8:46
By: bent
A gig has been added. We will be playing at the Day of Decay fest in August.
Tue Apr 20th 2010 10:57
By: bent
The Royal Metal Fest 2010 is now finished.
We would like to thank the audience for the massive support. Thank you for helping us make this a killer show.
Thanks also goes to Metal Royale for making this awesome festival, and to the great crew at Voxhall - you rock!
We have uploaded a bunch of photos from the show. They can be seen here.
Fri Apr 9th 2010 19:17
By: bent
We have added some more photos from our concert at The Rock. This time contributed by the band photographer Lars Bisballe Jensen. Check them out in our gallery section.
Thu Apr 8th 2010 15:40
By: bent
We have added photos from our concert at The Rock, contributed by Thomas Schlein. Check them out in our gallery section.
Wed Apr 7th 2010 18:53
By: bent
A video resume from our concert at The Rock. Check it out in the downloads section.
Tue Mar 16th 2010 11:01
By: tajs
Today, tuesday the 16th of March 2010, we release our first full-length album Rise of the Rotten in collaboration with Unique Leader Records.
It is with great joy in our black hearts that we see our little baby ready to be sold in so many webshops all over the world. You can also find it at Unique Leader's webshop. So get online and get it or go out your door and into a record store and get it there, we really don't care. We just want the whole world to hear what we have worked on for so long. Enjoy!
Brutality is here!
Tue Mar 2nd 2010 17:28
By: jonas
As we are releasing our debut album, Rise of the Rotten, DIE in cooperation with Metal Royale would like to invite you to the release party.
It will take place at Escobar, Århus - Denmark, on the 13th of March from 18.00. It will be possible to buy the album which won't come out until the 16th in the rest of the world, there will be great prizes to win, free beer for the lucky and of course we will play the record in its full length.
-See you there, fuckers!
Mon Mar 1st 2010 14:24
By: admin
Unique Leader Records has made 'Rise of the Rotten' ready for pre-order. You can order it by visiting their website here.
They even made a special offer, where you can buy the cd and a brand new DIE t-shirt for only 28$!
So hurry up and get brutality before your neighbour...
Mon Feb 22nd 2010 11:37
By: admin
Ragnarock fashion has designed a cool shirt for us, with embroiled logo on the chest pocket. It can be bought in our webshop. Also we have added an old t-shirt that we have dug up from the grave. It is the red logo Life Eraser t-shirt.
Fri Feb 19th 2010 10:33
By: admin
A concert at The rock has been added to the calendar.
Sat Feb 13th 2010 16:42
By: admin
A new site engine has been made. It will be securing the continuity of this website in the future.
Fri Feb 5th 2010 18:42
By: admin
A gig has been added at the Royal Metal Fest 2010. See the live section for more info.
Mon Jan 11th 2010 17:51
By: admin
The teaser Execution Room can be heard in the discography, or on our myspace site.
Sun Jan 10th 2010 21:15
By: admin
Today the journey that began over 2 years ago is finally coming to an end. We are proud to announce that we have landed a record deal with none other than the elite death metal label Unique Leader Records.
The 'Rise of the Rotten' album will be released worldwide on March 16th 2010.
UL logo
We look forward to working with Unique Leader Records on this release, and so far the responses on the album have been great. We can't wait to unleash this roaring beast onto the world, so mark your calendars with a nice blood stain on march 16th.
Brutality will be knocking at your door!
Sat Jan 2nd 2010 17:49
By: admin
A music player has been added in the discography section. Click the play button to hear the tracks without downloading them first.
Tue Dec 22nd 2009 14:46
By: admin
A new video added to the downloads section. It was recorded at a live show at Monorama on the 14th of November 2009. The performed song is 'Vindictive', from the upcoming album 'Rise of the Rotten'.
Thu Mar 19th 2009 19:16
By: admin
During the holidays the remaining recordings for the upcoming DIE debut album entitled 'Rise of the Rotten' has been completed. This marks the final pages of a journey that began more than a year ago for the band members Rasmus Henriksen (Panzerchrist), Jonas Møller, Søren Christensen, Tajs Kolman and Bent Bisballe Nyeng.
See the gallery for photos from the various recording sessions: here.
The raw material has now been sent off to Tue Madsen (Aborted, Exmortem, Gorefest, Kataklysm) at The Antfarm Studio for mixing and mastering. Already at this point the album sounds better than we could have imagined, and we can't wait to hear the final product once Tue has worked his creative magic. We will collaborate with him during the coming weeks to ensure that we get the DIE sound just right.
We want the best, which is why we chose the Antfarm Studio to support the intense compositions of DIE. The production will be seconded by Jacob Olsen who has also been our live sound engineer for quite some time.
The cover illustrations will again be handled by the creative mind of Tony Sandoval (who also did the coverart for our 2005 ep 'Relentless Pain'), and the final cover layout will be made by Lars Bisballe Jensen.
Next up is for us to find a suitable record label to release and handle this monster. More on that later...
Rest assured, we are finally getting a glimpse of the finish line.
Brutality is Coming - soon!
Wed Mar 18th 2009 20:32
By: admin
Added the recording of Rise of the Rotten in the gallery.
Check it out here.
Wed Oct 29th 2008 9:02
By: admin
DIE has recently made a shitload of new cool stuff. Hoodies, longsleeves, t-shirts and even baby clothes, here's something for everybody. We have made sure that the quality is excellent with our new collaboration with Ragnarock Fashion. They know their shit so you can be sure that your new clothes will last you many festivals and concerts.
Check out our selection of DIE merchandise here. And while you are at it, check out the other stuff the girls at Ragnarock Fashion have to offer. They have their own collection for the metalwear connoisseur.
Think of it, here's your chance to finish all your christmas and/or birthday shopping at one place! Even your mother-in-law will be speechless when she sees her new DIE girlie.
Tue Jun 24th 2008 15:54
By: admin
A live video recording of Goremonger has been added in the downloads section.
Thu May 15th 2008 10:52
By: admin
Biography, member section and download section has been updated to match the new vocalist.
Thu May 15th 2008 10:38
By: admin
The search for a new singer ended quickly when we found Søren, a young musician with a voice that we all believe will be a perfect match for DIE. Listen to an excerpt from the title track from 'Rise of the Rotten' here, for an idea of what to expect. Here is a message from the guy himself:
Hey everyone out there!
My name is Søren Christensen. Now I live in Fredericia, I’m 21, and I hope I can live up to everyones expectations and keeping it DIE! I am very excited to be in the band! And anxious to get the killing started, in form of gigs!
So get ready! We will come and destroy your town!
Horns up!
See you all out there!
This makes the current lineup of DIE: Tajs Kolman, Jonas Møller, Rasmus Henriksen (Panzerchrist), Bent Bisballe Nyeng (ex-Panzerchrist) and Søren Christensen. The recording of our upcoming debut album, 'Rise of the Rotten', proceeds as planned and as the mixing and mastering will happen at the Antfarm Studio (Tue Madsen), it will end up sounding as good at it possibly can. Søren will record the vocals and we are sure that the final product will kick some serious ass! We believe that his vocal style will benefit our music greatly and cannot wait to let the rest of the world hear and see what we are about.
Brutality is coming!
Fri Apr 11th 2008 17:45
By: admin
We have been working on converting our Relentless Pain demo tracks for use with the PC game Frets on Fire. The game is a free clone of the immensely popular Guitar Hero console game.
Today we bring you the first DIE Frets on Fire release which is Life Eraser.
Download the song here and fret your ass off. Be sure to turn on hi-score uploading in the game options. That way you can keep track of how much you suck at it compared to other players.
Let the fretting begin!
Wed Mar 26th 2008 18:44
By: admin
New images from the Gorefest support job at Voxhall has been added in the gallery section.
Mon Mar 17th 2008 12:41
By: admin
Simon Pedersen has chosen to leave DIE to focus on his other band, Fairytale Abuse, and his family. We are sad to see Simon go since he has been a vital part of our sound, style and history since the beginning. We support Simon in this difficult decision (it's tough to reach 30) and we wish him all the best in the future. Simon leaving the band will have no influence on the recording of DIE's first album, 'Rise of the Rotten', which will proceed as planned.
DIE's concert with Gorefest and Crucifix at Voxhall the 19/3 will therefore be the last one with Simon, so come party with us and let this be a farewell concert of epic proportions.
Because of this we are now looking for a new singer in DIE.
We are looking for a serious and skilled singer with lots of stagepresence. If you believe that you have this, feel free to drop us an email:
Tue Mar 4th 2008 17:47
By: admin
The first gig in a very long time...
It will be at Voxhall Århus March 19th 2008, as support for Gorefest and Crucifix.
Thu Jan 3rd 2008 17:26
By: admin
We are very sorry to inform you, that the gig at Sysseltinget in Hjørring January 12th has been canceled, due to the venue lacking funds. Hopefully another gig at the same venue will be possible later this year.
Sun Oct 21st 2007 20:09
By: admin
Added a gig in Hjørring in the live section.
Sun Aug 19th 2007 20:55
By: admin
It has been a while since we released our well-received demo 'Relentless Pain' back in 2005. Since then we have been working hard on developing our style, and we are now ready to begin the production of our first full-length album entitled 'Rise of the Rotten'. In other words: DIE has entered the studio!
The recordings will take place throughout the coming months and the album will consist of 9 songs carrying such titles as 'Dead Flesh Makeover', 'Gore Monger', 'Dread Lord' and, of course, 'Rise of the Rotten'. We will record everything in the Aasimon Studio. Since the studio is owned by our drummer it grants us the luxury of unlimited time – we want everything to be perfect for this album.
Keep coming back to this site for updates throughout the process.
This is it – brutality is coming...
Sat Mar 10th 2007 18:45
By: admin
We want to thank all the people who showed up to support us at our show at Voxhall last night, as well as the kick ass crew at the venue - you all made it a night to remember.
Photos from the show has just been added in the gallery section, and we are currently working on some live videos, that will be posted on the website as soon as they are done.
Sun Feb 25th 2007 22:06
By: admin
A YouTube movie clip has been added in the Downloads section.
The clip shows DIE playing 'Relentless Pain' from the gig at Musikcaféen August 26th 2006.
Sat Feb 24th 2007 15:45
By: admin
RSS feeds are available through the feed file rss.xml.
Wed Feb 14th 2007 21:40
By: admin
A brand new website design has been made by Lars Bisballe Jensen, a new site engine has been programmed by myself (Bent), and lots of new content has been added.
New bandshots will follow shortly...
More features will be added in the following weeks (RSS feeds and mobile phone support amongst other things).
Please feel free to post a comment in our guestbook.
Fri Feb 9th 2007 11:36
By: admin
A new gig at March 9th 2007 has been added in the live section.
Mon Jan 8th 2007 11:35
By: admin
A brand new track called 'Mors et Sanguis' has been in production during the fall of 2006 and has now been completed.
It is meant as a teaser to our new material, which is a bit different than that located on the 'Relentless Pain' demo.
Check it out in our discography section.
Furthermore (on request) we have uploaded lossless versions of both this new track, and the 'Relentless Pain' demo.
Finally, be sure to check the site for the upcoming weeks, since we will be having a brand new design very soon.
Fri Dec 8th 2006 11:34
By: admin
Added some images from our last show at Fabriken on December 8th.
Check them out at the gallery section.
Tue Nov 7th 2006 11:33
By: admin
A review and an interview has been added on
The review can be read here, and the interview here.
The review is the same one located on Antenna mentioned in a previous news post.
The interview can also be read on antenna, here.
Mon Oct 9th 2006 11:32
By: admin
Images from our last show Aalborg Metal Fest has just been added in our gallery section.
Fri Oct 6th 2006 11:30
By: admin
The online metal magazine Antenna has posted a review of our demo. Check it out on
Fri Sep 8th 2006 11:28
By: admin
Images from the concert at Musikcaféen has been added in the gallery section.
Thu Sep 7th 2006 11:27
By: admin
We will be playing at this years Aalborg Metal Fest, on October 7th. See the live section for more info.
Thu Aug 10th 2006 11:26
By: admin
Two gigs have been added in the live section.
Our very first gig will be in no more than two weeks... tell your friends, and we'll see you there!
Wed May 24th 2006 11:24
By: admin
Now the drums and Rasmus' rhythm guitar have been recorded. This Sunday it's Tajs' turn. The bass and vocals (yes in plural) will be recorded shortly after that.
Some photos have been added in the gallery section.
Sat May 6th 2006 11:23
By: admin
Today we are once again entering the Aasimon Studio.
This time the product will be a brand new track called 'Mors et Sanguis'.
Today we will be recording the drums with Johan Kraft behind the mixer.
Images and more info to come...
Sun Mar 26th 2006 11:21
By: admin
Interview with lead guitarist Tajs Kolman
As previously mentioned an interview would be posted on the Metal Revolution E-Zine, and here it is.
It's a very in-depth interview that gets around both the history and furture of DIE.
Tue Feb 28th 2006 11:21
By: admin
We have received a nice review of our 2005 demo at the Metal Revolution E-Zine.
Read the review here.
An interview with Tajs will be posted on the same site in a couple of weeks.
Tue Feb 28th 2006 11:20
By: admin
The track 'Bone Crusher' has appeared on the online radio show 'The World Destroyers radio show'.
You can download the entire show here.
Wed Feb 15th 2006 11:19
By: admin
The Danish web-zine Danish Metal has posted a nice review of our demo 'Relentless Pain' check it out here (in Danish).
We are currently working on translations of all the reviews, which will be posted on the site within the month.
Wed Feb 15th 2006 11:18
By: admin
This time it is the Danish site Revolution Music who has put a few nice word together about our demo.
Read the review here (in Danish).
Tue Feb 7th 2006 11:17
By: admin
I was hired as a session drummer on the Panzerchrist album 'Batallion Beast'. But during the recording sessions, it slowly became clear, that my drumming style did not fit that of Panzerchrist. Therefore I am no longer involved with the project.
My replacement has been found in the drummer from their previous record 'Room service', Reno Kiilerich.
// Bent
Tue Jan 17th 2006 11:15
By: admin
An awesome new review has been posted on by Charly Gangrene. Read the review here.
Tue Jan 17th 2006 11:13
By: admin
Our biography have been updated to reflect the latest events in the band.
Tue Jan 17th 2006 11:11
By: admin
We have printed a bunch of DIE logo tshirts and girlie shirts. These are now available for purchase through our shop section. We only have a limited amount available, so be sure to get yours now!
Sun Dec 18th 2005 21:47
By: admin
Tonight the track Life Eraser will be played on the internet radio channel Brutalism from The Netherlands. To hear the show, check out this podcast file or download the entire show here.
Fri Nov 25th 2005 21:45
By: admin
Again we can announce a review of the Relentless Pain demo. It's in danish, and located at
We received 4 points out of 6.
Tue Nov 8th 2005 21:41
By: admin
Another review of the Relentless Pain demo has been made. This time its in English and located at Again we have been positively received, with 80 points out of 100.
Sat Nov 5th 2005 21:40
By: admin
A review of the Relentless Pain demo has been made on (in danish). For the non danish readers I can say that the review is quite positive and we had 80 point out of 100... not bad at all ;-)
Sat Oct 22nd 2005 21:39
By: admin
The votes have now been counted, and we have been selected (together with three other bands) to be nominated for the Talent price, which will be given at the Danish Metal Arwards 2005 (sorry only in Danish) show at November 26th.
Thank you for your support.
Wed Oct 12th 2005 21:37
By: admin
We are proud to announce that we have been nominated for the Danish Metal Awards 2005. To vote (danes only) send an email to containing the string 'Die - Relentless Pain', followed by your name and address (Apparently to make sure nobody votes twice).
They must recieve the email before October 20th at 23.59, in order for it to be valid.
Thank you for your support.
Thu Sep 22nd 2005 21:35
By: admin
The demo will be sold at The Rock in Copenhagen at 21 o'clock. Check the shows out. Simon and Jonas will be playing with their other bands Fairytale Abuse and Adversary
Also the show features our pals from Koldborn.
Fri Sep 9th 2005 21:34
By: admin
Some highresolution logos and a bandphoto has been added in the images section.
Wed Sep 7th 2005 21:29
By: admin
A new shopping section is now ready and active. Here you can buy the demo, fairly cheap.
You can find a link to it in the menu, or you can go there directly by following this link
Sat Sep 3rd 2005 21:28
By: admin
The download of the 'Relentless Pain' demo is now up and running. Find the link in the discography section.
Fri Sep 2nd 2005 21:27
By: admin
We are happy to announce that the demo 'Relentless Pain' has now arrived.
It will be sold on the upcoming concert with Fairytale Abuse and Hatesphere on Musikcaféen tomorrow night.
We are currently working on online sale and a host for the demo download (full length, high quality, free of charge), so check back soon to get it.
Fri Aug 26th 2005 21:26
By: admin
Due to numerous errors by the printing company, the demo is delayed several days.
We are currently hoping to receive it sometime next week, so check back later for more news on the subject.
Brutality is coming...shortly!
Fri Aug 12th 2005 21:25
By: admin
We are happy to announce that the 'Relentless Pain' demo is now finished and will be released sometime next week. We plan on selling the cd online for a vastly low price, and furthermore offer a full-length, high quality download through bittorrent.
Check back shortly for more info.
Sun Jul 31st 2005 21:25
By: admin
The biography has been updated to reflect the latest events.
Sat Jul 16th 2005 21:24
By: admin
This is Lars typing. I would like to congratulate my brother Bent and his soon-to-be wife Tine on this day. They are about to get soldered together. I wish them all the best of luck in the future.
Thu Jun 30th 2005 21:23
By: admin
The website has been reorganized in order to meet our new requirements (among other things, we have added a concerts section).
Thu Jun 30th 2005 21:22
By: admin
We have now finished recording the bass tracks, and are thereby done recording, now we will initiate the mixing face. Hang on for more updates as we progress.
Sat Jun 25th 2005 21:22
By: admin
We have now finished recording all but the bass, and are happy about the results so far. The final recordings will be performed during the next week.
The title of the demo will be 'Relentless Pain'.
Wed Jun 22nd 2005 21:20
By: admin
DIE has just entered the studio today, for the recording of a three track demo. We expect to be done recording Friday night.
The mixing will be performed shortly after this.
Thu Jun 16th 2005 21:15
By: admin
We am happy to announce, that DIE has finally found a bass player. His name is Jonas Møller and he is also playing in a local death/thrash band called Adversary.
Check out the new members section, with updated images of the entire band.
Sun Jun 12th 2005 21:13
By: admin
According to the plan, DIE will be entering the Aasimon Studio on June 22nd, and (hopefully) have a blasting demo ready in about a month later.
The title of the demo is soon to be announced, but the tracklisting is set to be:
- Life Eraser (Re-recorded solo version)
- Relentless Pain
- Bone Crusher
More on this as soon as we start recording.
Sun May 29th 2005 21:11
By: admin
Rasmus Henriksen (Panzerchrist and Demolition Inc.) has joined the DIE camp.
He will be playing the guitar, and with him, we increase the bodycount to 4.
Look out for some new member photos, soon.
Here it is worth mentioning, that we are still looking for a bassplayer, in order to make it a 5 piece.
Tue May 17th 2005 21:10
By: admin
A biography written by Lars Bisballe added.
Fri May 13th 2005 21:10
By: admin
Band photos added to the members section.
Fri May 13th 2005 21:09
By: admin
Guestbook added... Feel free to write comments both on the music, and the website.
Fri May 13th 2005 21:09
By: admin
Lyrics for 'Life Eraser' added in the media section.
Fri May 13th 2005 21:08
By: admin
DIE has started the search for a bass player. If you are a bass player and interested in playing with Die, feel free to contact us using the information in the contact section.
Fri May 13th 2005 21:07
By: admin
The demo track 'Life Eraser' has been added to the media section. Go check it out.
Thu May 12th 2005 21:04
By: admin
Our website has aired.

Upcoming shows

No shows available at the moment.

Latest release

Out now!


Site News

Mon Aug 15th 2011 12:03
By: bent
A review at was added in the discography section.
Tue Aug 17th 2010 10:38
By: bent
A pro-shot video from our gig at the Day of Decay festival Aug. 14th 2010 has been added in the media section.
Fri Jul 9th 2010 16:41
By: bent
Added a couple of reviews in the discography section. This time in four different languages: French (Le Chant du Grillon), English (Metal Psalter), Italian (Metal Italia) and German (Metal
Wed May 5th 2010 11:04
By: bent
We have added a bunch of reviews of 'Rise of the Rotten' album.
Check them out in the discography section.
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