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Concert review: Royal Metal Fest 2010 - Voxhall Århus Denmark

Origin: Gaffa

Original danish text

Die 5/6
Århusianske Die sætter efter BTB's rockkoncert for alvor gang i metalfesten. Lyden går nu fra lyttervenlig, tung rock, til kompromisløs, stemningsmættet dødsmetal. Efter en stemningsskabende, filmbaseret samplekomposition, startes showet med et brøl, der understøttes af energien fra tusind elektriske uvejr.
Publikum er blevet større nu, og undervejs kommer der faktisk også gang i dem. Nogle af dem. Der opstår en moshpit med fem-seks publikummer, og det skræmmer faktisk de andre lidt væk, så gulvet nærmest er tomt, med en tyk kødrand af metallere rundt i kanten. Da pitten atter dør ud, trækker folk dog tilbage mod scenen, og finder et mere dæmpet, fælles udtryk for deres begejstring.
Den anden sang springer direkte ud af halen på den første, og forsanger Søren Christensen mestrer både skrigen og brølen, hvæsen og growlen, alt imens han som en skaldet, fipskægsklædt dæmon fra det hinsides springer omkring i et smertefuldt udtryk af rendyrket ondskab. Ved hans side står Jonas Møller med bassen i favnen og galskaben malet i ansigtet, og rundt om dem, resten af bandet, to guitarer og trommen, som tre dystre stenstøtter, parat til at blive vakt til live af lederens infernalske messen. Lyssætningen er i top på VoxHall, koldt blå, isnende hvid og flammende rød, og komplementerer bandets optræden perfekt, ligesom lyden også er så godt indfanget, at kun en til tider uhørlig tromme i starten af showet lader noget tilbage at ønske fra et fuldendt dødsmetalshow med en aldrig svigtende energi. (JS)

Translated english text

Die 5/6
After the Bullet Train Blast show, Die (from Århus) are seriously firing up the metal fest. The soundscape now changes from listener pleasing heavy rock to no-compromise death metal with lots of atmosphere. After an evocative composition of film samples the show kicks off with a roar supported by the energy of a thousand electrical storms.
The crowd in the audience has grown, and during the show they are actually fired up as well. Some of them. A mosh pit arises from 5-6 of them, which pushes the others away, creating a big empty space with a massive group of metal guys surrounding it. As the pit dies out, the audience returns to the stage and settles in a more subdued but united expression for their enthusiasm.
The second song directly follows the first and lead singer Søren Christensen masters both the screaming and the roaring, the hissing and the growling while he, as a bald goateed demon from beyond, leaps around with a painful expression of pure evil. By his side stands Jonas Møller with the the bass in his arms and furious madness painted in his face. And surrounding them - two guitars and the drums, stands as three sinister stone columns, ready to be brought to life by the infernal chanting of the leader. The lightning is at its best at Voxhall, cold blue, icy white and fiery red, and complements the band's performance perfectly, as well as the sound so well captured, only a somewhat inaudible drum in the beginning of the show leaves something behind to be desired, compared to a perfect death metal show with an unfailing energy.

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Mon Aug 15th 2011 12:03
By: bent
A review at was added in the discography section.
Tue Aug 17th 2010 10:38
By: bent
A pro-shot video from our gig at the Day of Decay festival Aug. 14th 2010 has been added in the media section.
Fri Jul 9th 2010 16:41
By: bent
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Wed May 5th 2010 11:04
By: bent
We have added a bunch of reviews of 'Rise of the Rotten' album.
Check them out in the discography section.
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